As a result of the strong right-wing winds blowing over Europe the past years, some scholars have touched on the subject of "the death of social democracy" - one tenet being that as social democracy has fulfilled it's mission (a welfare-state) it is now ready for dismantling.
Sweden, being one of the countries where the social democratic hegemony has come to an end as the conservative opposition have won two elections in a row (!!), now sees the rise of initiatives and petitions urging for social democrats to return to their core-values of solidarity.
So the question is whether or not social democracy is dying, just temporarily has lost it's gist or this will prove to be a window of opportunity for reform?
Sweden, being one of the countries where the social democratic hegemony has come to an end as the conservative opposition have won two elections in a row (!!), now sees the rise of initiatives and petitions urging for social democrats to return to their core-values of solidarity.
So the question is whether or not social democracy is dying, just temporarily has lost it's gist or this will prove to be a window of opportunity for reform?