Thursday, November 12, 2009

US Unemployment Tops 10%

I just want to thank Valichka and Siri for inviting me to contribute and everyone else for their great posts and comments.

One of the bits of news coming out of the USA that has made a big splash here is the Labor Department figure of 10.2% unemployment released at the end of last week.

Double-digit unemployment is a psychological tip off for many Americans that things are really bad. The highest jobless rate in 26 years is tough for Americans not used to the slightly higher numbers associated with the more regulated or socially organized economies. Many economists estimated the natural rate of unemployment here to be around 5% since the mid 1990s, leaving a little over 5% to be cyclically related.

The ‘grim milestone’ as it was termed by the Wall Street Journal may be final wound inflicted by an American recession that has stubbornly refused to wane. Or it could be a sign that the recover is faltering. While numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics recently reported 3rd quarter growth at an annualized 3.5%, the pain of unemployment is being felt by over 15.7 million Americans with many more forced to take part-time or otherwise unfavorable unemployment.

Ways Out

The Obama administration whose polls on the economy have been steadily declining over his first year in office said they were considering tax cuts for businesses, and increased infrastructure expenditures and energy efficiency investments.

American Equity markets are in the midst of a strong rally. The Dow Jones Industrial Average has climbed back above 10,000. What is driving this exuberance in equities? What is the market seeing that is leading to this optimism?

Some ideas have been famously borrowed from German. The first is of course “Cash for Clunkers” which is nothing more than a poorly executed Abwrackprämie. I’ve heard a number of other commentators mention the Kurzarbeit system, which prevents people from becoming unemployed for too long and thus loosing skills. Currently 1 out of every 3 unemployed have been so for over 6 months. The highest toll in that column since World War II. Any other great ideas we have from Europe or anywhere else we might make use of?

Other Concerns

While equity markets can be considered a leading economic indicator, which mercifully points up at the moment, the steadily increasing price of gold and related inflationary fears is causing some to worry. What is the cause of this gold rally? As equities climb, its less likely investors are looking for a safe haven and more likely they are hedging against inflation.

Economists have long examined the key macroeconomic trade-off of inflation and or more specifically the output ratio. (Okun’s Law describes this trade off is anyone is trying to dig a little deeper) This would state that with such low GDP growth and high unemployment there should be no cause to fear inflation.

However, a weakening dollar increases the cost of goods abroad. The huge Federal deficit being run, and continued easy monetary policy are causing many to fear a large inflationary bubble in the medium term. (This implies the delicate question of how much stimulus and easy money is enough, which would be a good topic for another post.)

I heard a commentator on the Kudlow Report, a market news/discussion show; mention how slow velocity is- great point a lot of people forget about. If we all remember our macroeconomics courses:

ms + v = p + y

ms – growth rate of the money supply

v - velocity (how fast a unit of money is spent)

p – inflation rate

y- real GDP growth rate

If the velocity of money is slowing down in a recession how does that conflict with the Quantity Theory of Money?

Sum Up

My diagnosis of the US economy is an optimistic one. We will see further job loss, but job gains lag behind economic recoveries, and we will see that eventually. Illustrated here by the Mikeroeconomics BLog:

Love to here your responses to these issues.

-Michael Meehan


  1. Thank you very much for your interesting and important contribution.
    I was confronted with the unemployment issue earlier this week, while reading the Economist (a magazine that should be put to hard criticism for its self-centered policy proposals and ambitiousness to determine the right morals).

    The question that was put forward was: "Does Europe got the answer?", namely can U.S. America learn something from European labour policies? I remember then my first readings in labour economics (Boeri/Ours - "Imperfect Labour Markets", 2008) where one learns that the European unemployment rates started to rise above the U.S. rates first in the mid-1980s after the two oil shocks. Before that it was Europe, where the "job miracle" was located.

    The Economist criticizes the subsidizing of shorter work weeks - this is because they assume this kind of policy encourages the "hoarding" of workers by the firms and make only short-term sense. This kind of "fossilising"/"ossification" would then "prevent the shift of workers from industries with excess capacities (like carmaking) to more promising ones."

    Beyond economic logic, I would simply say that U.S. Americans would do better by sharing work load with unemployed, who share the same qualifications. This would allow more time for holidays, family and personal development (beyond professional growth). In fact many American professionals I have met envy the European labour structure for the more free time it provides. Be it for the decreasing marginal returns of higher income or for the simple notion that more money doesn't equate with more happiness, why not work less and have more leisure?

    Subsidizing shorter work weeks is not a per se solution for all industries. A more complex and understanding approach can by applied - especially in times when certain industries are disproportionately affected by the changing energy and climate conditions. Workers in the carmaking industry are indeed a very vulnerable group, but is putting them out of work a way to make them re-qualify for other jobs? It is time for innovative and adapted labour policy... any suggestions for the specific industry?

  2. Check this out Michael:
